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Yellow Flower

CurieusMinds Curriculum

SEL stands for Social Emotional Learning, which helps us develop skills to support healthy relationships within yourself, with your friends and family, and others. It will help all of us learn to manage emotions, set goals, build and maintain relationships. It can also help us develop healthy identities, improve your ability to deal with stress, and make good decisions.

Happy Kids

Everyone has strengths. Likewise, everyone has weaknesses. It is important to identify them so that you can use them to your advantage.

Kids Playing Tug of War

Self Management: Stress Management

Stress and anxiety are big feelings of unease. They can be triggered by frustration, fear, or worries. To manage stress well and make good choices in dealing with what's bothering us, we should sleep well, relax, eat healthy, and exercise or talk with someone and hang out. Then we can go back to the feelings that we feel good about ourselves.

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Social Awareness: Diversity / Inclusion

People may be different in many ways. You would actually find it very hard to find an example of being not different even between identical twin sisters. However, people have more in common than they might seem different. Inclusion is about making sure that everyone feels welcomed and has equal access to opportunities.

Happy Kids Huddle

Relationship Skills: Conflict Resolution

When you spend enough time with other people, your wants and needs are bound to conflict with theirs. Walking away can be easier, but you don't want to get into a habit of ignoring stuff that bothers you. Peaceful direct confrontation is the best way to go. The best solutions may involve a compromise - each side gives a little ground.

Kids Stacking Blocks

Responsible Decision-Making: Consequences of Actions


We make decisions throughout our life. It is important to grow into responsible decision makers as our decisions will bring consequences. It will impact our own and others' health and safety. 

Cute Girl

Self Care: Healthy Habits

Healthy habits come from self-control. Self-control is saying YES when you want to say no to stay well. For example, the decision to say YES to waking up to the alarm clock when you want to say NO and sleep in is self-control.

Healthy Food

Building Resilience: Growth Mindset

To understand the power of having a Growth Mindset, begin by looking closely at the language you use in certain situations. Words like "can't" and "never" are often associated with having a Fixed Mindset, while words like "yes" and "now" are linked to having a GROWTH MINDSET.

Love the World

Self-awareness is the ability to understand yourself, including your thoughts, feelings, actions, values, and beliefs. It also means being able to recognize your strenghts and weaknesses, and how others see you.

Hot day

Self Management: Goal Setting

Self-management is the ability to control your emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Setting goals is a key part of self-management and can help you develop motivation, self-awareness, and a sense of accomplishment.

Soccer Player

Social Awareness: Empathy Growing

Sometimes we just need a hug. When words won't do it, a meaningful hug from a parent, a friend, a family member, or classmate can really go a long way to show that someone else understands what you are going through.


Relationship Skills: Communication Skills

Poor communication can lead to misunderstanding, conflicts, and frustration. It can result in challenges to make friends or maintain friendships, to do tasks, or result in issues in confidence. First step to become a good communicator is to actively listen and ask. 

Kids Reading Map

Responsible Decision Making: Ethical Decision

Ethics is moral principles. They affect how we make decisions and lead our lives. It is also concerned with what is good for individuals and society. Building ethical power - moral values, empathy by understanding the feelings of others, honesty, and integrity - is very important.

Kids in Technology Class

Self Care: Personal Well-Being

Fill your life with purpose and take care of your well being. Purpose of life can be found from what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. This is why we have to stay curious, read, learn, stay healthy, connect with friends and family, and new people, and help each other.

School Kids Meditating

Building Resilience: Overcoming Challenges

"Practice Makes Perfect." But as we all know, some people just seem to have an easier time than others. Some people are natural-born athletes, while others struggle just to touch their toes. We can all improve with hard work and effort put in with time, but for some, the path to success is smoother than for others.

Indoor Climbing Wall
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